Sunday, 23 February 2014

You don't need to be in relationship to be a complete person

If you are not complete on your own, chances are your relationship won’t be as complete and great as it could be. ~ Cynthia Ziemer

You can’t be happy with someone until you are happy in your own skin. You are responsible for your happiness no one else is. ~ Pat Bryar

When you look in the mirror everyday and are proud of what you see then your proud of what you are. Complete. ~ Randy Yorke

When someone asks me about “my other half.” I tell them I’m a complete person. I may be on my own but I am Complete. ~ Rosi McKinney

Your identity isn’t through another person if your secure and stable in yourself. Especially, being a leader not a follower and being alone is a blessing. ~ Donna Schrenker

It’s fine to want love and be loved but the greatest love is loving yourself. ~ Danni Dee

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