Sunday, 23 February 2014

God never shuts one door without opening another

When the door shuts, we can see it. The door that opens sometimes is not what we are looking for, or different than we are use to. The door is there. Sometimes it takes a bit to present itself to us. Things come in God’s time, not ours. ~ Micheal Saenz

Sometimes, there will be SEVERAL doors that close either one after another, or all at once. But, I have learned that those doors were shut for a couple reasons: One, it is not what GOD has intended for you (or your direct situation) and he has a set route for you to take, but it requires complete trust without any doubt, or, it is what I call: The temporary close because sometimes, it IS meant to be, just NOT at the time YOU think it should be. God can also be carrying you through your storms because he knows you cannot bear to walk through them too. Not preaching or anything of the nature, but my family and I have been through ALOT, and believe me, God has EVERYTHING already done before you even pray, you just have to have the faith of a mustard seed and let God do the rest. ~ Lena Serrano

He doesn’t always give us what we want, but he always gives us what we need. Never question God. He knows what he is doing. ~ Jo-Anne Tantillo

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