Sunday, 27 April 2014

It takes more strength to let go than to hold on Let go! The beginning of a healing process.

Let go! The beginning of a healing process.
Until we learn to let go of the past and the things that hurt
you, you will never be able to live in the present and move
forward. Your past hurts etc are like an anchor weighing you
down. Satan doesn’t want you to move on he wants you to
hang onto the hurt. ~ Richard Sailer
So often, our weaknesses or vulnerability is considered just
that. And yet, it can be the greatest strength. As it is with
“letting go” Simply because in that moment, you’ve made the
decision for yourself and by yourself. Only first when we let
go, do we open up and make space, in our heart and in our
life, for something new. Yes, that is strength. And it is to be
respected and embraced.
If you love someone let them go, if they come back, they
were yours, if not, they never were.
“Let go, and Let GOD” that kind of sums it all up.

Move forward! We can’t change Past

We can’t change it so we must move forward. Change is one
sure thing in life. Time does heal and life does get better.
~ Becky Boomershine
Your life will be so much better. It may take time but it will
happen. Put it away forever, it’s the past for a reason. Move
forward. ~ Estela Albiar
We can learn from our past so that we don’t repeat mistakes
we have made. Forget the past, live today and dream
tomorrow. ~ Matti Holder
There is only now. Right now. No past or futures. Just wishful
thinking and memories. Those are great but right now it’s the
only time. We exist in a series of now always pushing forward
to the next big now. ~ David Bellanger

Don’t change yourself to make someone else happy

Changing myself for others happiness lead to resentment.
Change, grow, adapt or improve are all similar to becoming
who you are, but not for who someone else wants you to be.
You are amazing, incredible, unique and special. Change
because it is supports your future not someone else’s. ~ Jai
If I’m not happy I ask myself why first, then what would make
me happy and if it ever had to do with someone else I chose
to move on or accept what it is that’s bothering me about
them. Changing them does not ever work out any ways.
~ Donna Kehres
It is negative and self destructive behaviours that need to
change. If your behaviour is hurting you or others in your life
you do need to evaluate oneself and change the behaviour.
Sometimes, when you are in a relationship with a person with
these behaviours, no matter how much you love them, if you
stay to help them you may destroy yourself in the process.
~ Mary Kelosky

Never allow your happiness to depend on a relationship

Falling in love is a beautiful thing especially when the right
one is right there beside you. We must also learn to be happy
within ourselves. Not just when we are in a relationship. ~
Arlene Recio
Most of us miss out a lot in life. When we don’t depend on
ourselves to find other avenues of happiness.
You should not give up the things you love to do just because
you met someone. It is ok to do your own thing too. ~ Susan
Its called “always keep grounded.” Without being grounded
and balanced you could end up with nothing to find joy in. ~
Charleene Deaver

Relationships are about trust

Sometimes you just have to let go, when your trust has been
It’s better to live alone or find someone new than be unsure.
Don’t look back once you’re gone.
Been there done that. Not worth anyone’s time to play
detective. Best to move on. ~ Dean Schiessl
To begin a relationship and make oneself vulnerable there
was a real basis for trust. The trust was the foundation for
the relationship. If it was tossed to the wind and is not worth
what has become very very high risk ( an individual decision)
then it is done. All the rest is self deception. ~ Gary Roach
If you’re with someone you’d never betray, yet, they still feel
as though they need to play detective and the false
accusation game just to find something wrong when there
isn’t, then it’s also probably time to move along. ~ Audrey
Follow through with the “moving on ” or unfortunately you’ll
be faced with more hurtful actions by the selfish ones who
can’t be trusted. ~ Kelly Baer
You can never fall back into trust once it’s been tampered
Distrust might be there due to immature understanding. Try
hard to earn your partner’s trust.
Some personalities constitute playing. Game comes to
gamers. The artistic pleasure of life is challenge. We only
receive what we put out. Who comes into our lives is the
direct reflection of self being projected.
If you let them get away with it once, they’ll just do it again.
That’s not forgiveness, that’s just stupidity. ~ Jessica

People may not always tell you how they feel about you

One can always afford to pay attention.
Sometimes their inactions shows how little they care.
Don’t let confirmation bias sway your opinion of someone by
allowing it to confirm some preconceived notion, though.
Everyone is different and that includes their ways of
physically expression their thoughts, feelings, and motives.
You have to know how to read people, I just feel it and I know
what people are all about, many try to fool and when they
don’t succeed this anger’s them and people don’t like you,
something just shows me what most are all about. ~ Pamela

Walk away from anything that gives you bad vibes

Our inner voice does not lie to us.
Our intuition is sharpened the more we slow down enough to
That is the purpose of our conscience. Don’t surround
yourself with those of bad intentions. ~ Carrie Turner
Anyone or anything that is negative, you should walk away
from. Make room for all the positives. ~ Wendy John
Trust yourself and walk away from situations and people that
don’t have your best interest at heart. ~ Ben Ruston
You have control when you walk away they don’t. The
moment you react you give them control. Walk, Walk, Walk.
I recommend getting to know those vibes better. That way,
you can turn into more subtleties and make better choices.
You can start by noting whenever you get them, what the
situation is, what you’re thinking and feeling, and then the
outcome. ~ Jack Grabon
I’ve often tried to explain it and now realize something can
never be explained, nor should you waste your time trying.
Just walk away. ~ Ellie Borak
Anyone or anything that is negative, you should walk away
from. Make room for all the positives. ~ Wendy John

How people treat other people?

When people are fill with love, they treat people good. When
they hate themselves, without knowing it, they treat people
bad. ~ Alain Gravel
Miserable people love to be miserable. I would think it takes a
lot more energy to be miserable than to just be happy and
enjoy life. ~ Lisa Doucett
We shouldn’t take things so personally.
We need to pay more attention to how we treat others and
where our actions come from.
Those people maybe feeling angry (crabby), probably
stemming from sadness, because no one was loving them.
It’s a vicious cycle, when we feel unloved or neglected we
project that unto others too which manifests into a bad mood,
anger, depression or get hungry for love.
Just ignore them, don’t put yourself at their level and don’t be
bad because of them. They don’t worth it.
I always treat everyone with love & genuine respect & have
never understood why certain people are nasty about me.
This explains a lot & I pity the people who feel so badly about
themselves so that they cause havoc in other people’s lives.
~ Jo Climpson

There will be always people who don’t like you

If anyone chooses to change or make adjustments in their life,
that could be a good thing. If it’s about who they are, not to
please someone else. If you live for others opinions and
approval, you lose yourself. I know a man who tries too hard
to be what the other person might want them to be. That feels
uncomfortable. It’s good to just be who you are, it’ll come out
eventually. ~ Karyn Rose
There will always be people who don’t like you or disapprove
of things you think and do. Be true to yourself. Never try to be
someone you’re not. Cause at the end of the day you’re the
one who’s opinion matters and people are going to hate
whoever you are. Do yourself a favour and be you, that you
and your closest ones love. ~ Joanna Bengtsson
We’re not born to impress everyone, but rather to impact the
lives of the few who are willing to accept us. ~ Patrick Martin

Life will keep bringing you the same test over and over again

Biggest test is learning to love yourself.
Don’t continue to make the same mistakes, learn from your
own mistakes. Life is a journey and we create the journey
don’t wait on others to create for you.
Sometimes we already know the lessons life wants to teach
us but we refuse to learn it. That’s why we keep on failing and
so we always get hurt from doing the same mistake over and
over again.
The good thing is you don’t finish life too soon. Sad thing is
once lived we don’t have a rewind or do over button. We only
have one shot at getting it right the first time. Like a rock
once you throw it, it’s too late to stop it. ~ Virginia Marlow
Be careful teens & anyone else up that may face any test in
this world. Pass those tests the first time & life will be worth
so much more than if not. ~ Nikki Mcadams
Follow your instincts, what your heart tells you is the right
thing. Learn from your mistakes.
The lesson is just to relax and trust enough to become aware
of the guidance and follow it.

Do you believe that there are no accidents in life

We need to accept all that happens has a purpose in our lives,
good and bad.
Anything that happens in our lives is always for a purpose. If
you take it positively, you’ll benefit from it, but if you take the
vice versa, it’ll break you.
No matter what happens to you in life, you control how you
feel and react to things.
Life is a pile of good things and bad things. The good things
don’t always soften the bad things, but vice versa the bad
things don’t spoil the good things.
Others can’t make us happy. We must chose to love ourselves
It was our choice to go in that direction which caused
whatever followed. Unforeseen circumstances befall us all.
Try not to take it all personally. Universe is not conspiring
against you. ~ Sheila Lewis
If you depend on others to make you happy, you will never
stay happy enough.

Good relationships are not just about the good times you share

Relationships always start off that way, but over time they
end because no I LOVE YOU has been said.
There are those that consciously choose to walk away when
the times get rough. ~ Jan Lingle
When you come through those obstacles it will make your
relationship stronger.
It seems like there are more people that will abandon you in
the bad times, but want to be around you only in the good
times. Also they want support from you when they have bad
times, but when you have bad times, they don’t want to
support you. Sometimes they will even be so blunt, as to say
that they don’t want to hear about your problems. They say
that you can count your true friends on one hand. Those are
the people that will be there for you, and you for them when
you need each other the most. ~ Virginia Detroyer
This attitude is what’s missing in a lot of relationships and
sadly it ends in divorce and families split apart. For better or
worse, it’s the struggles that make you stronger as a couple.
~ Kathleen Anderton
It makes me sad, because there are too many people who
don’t feel able to pass through the obstacles that come. So
they left me, although it would have had become a good time
after short. Still I haven’t found someone who really cares to
stay together. But I know for sure, that God always cares.
~ Tina Berisha
Sometimes enough is enough and you have to love yourself
enough to let go if there is more negative then good
There is nothing like the feeling after you come through the
storm. ~ Mark Thomas

We just need someone who will listen

The word “listen” contains the same letters as the word
It’s called empathizing. Makes one a good listener because
there is feelings behind it. Without emotion, the listener
would not be compassionate.
Listening with an open mind & heart to a fellow human being
in pain connects two souls. ~ Anni Potash
Don’t need advice, just need a sounding board or shock
absorber. ~ Norma Powell
Gather all your facts and pick which one you are going to go
with. When I listen I try to relate a similar situation and how I
got through it. ~ Joseph Palen
Share only to the people who won’t manipulate, dragging &
brainstorm you to deepest trouble & take for granted of your
situations for their own good. ~ Trisila Davidge

The person you thought would never hurt you

Expectation is the seed of resentment. No one is perfect;
don’t expect them to be.
Remember you can always turn to the one that will never hurt
To move past it takes a lot of time, self reflection and then
the healing can begin.
Everyone will eventually hurt you, the key is to find those that
are worth the pain.
We all have been hurt and we can all get over it, by believing
in our own true worth. No one can hurt you if you don’t let
Painful! It happens and we’ll hurt others that we love as well.
There’s no perfect people.
The problem is you set yourself up for failure. You put an
unrealistic expectation on another person. We all disappoint
each other from time to time. ~ Mick Kruger
Never rely on anyone to make you happy or to be the source
of your trust or lifeline. Always keep your guard up. Everyone
is human and will make mistakes in this life and you will be
hurt and betrayed in the process of living but it is always
lesson learned and it will make you stronger and wiser. ~ Ana
No one is perfect. With all relationships there are bound to be
disappointments. It is how we cope with them and grow from
them (or not) that determine the strength of that relationship.
~ Stealth Kim
Disappointments are in your own mind and probably weren’t a
consideration in the other’s mind. If it was, it is their karma to
be faced. If it is a trust issue, a promise not carried out, that
hurt can be carried by you forever, until you forgive. ~ Dianne
There are some people we meet in our life who become our
friends because we get on so well with them. The others are
good teachers. The life is worth living and people are
wonderful pearls which we collect as we go along our path
called” life”. We are only richer when we value the experience.
When it is from the one true love of your life. It is the worst
feeling in the world. ~ Valerie Reynolds
Beware of people who say, “I would never hurt you. They are
the ones who will hurt you the most”. ~ Keli Taylor
I been hurt so many times, I feel like I’ve got a “kick me” sign
stuck to my back. lol but, I pick myself up, dust myself off,
and keep looking up. Yes! And forgive those who are doing
the hurting and really try not to hurt anyone. ~ Janice Silver

The best way to get over someone

It may not be easy but necessary for your own good.
The best way to get over someone is to get complete with the
past so that it no longer lives in your future.
Sometimes, it’s the healthiest thing to do for yourself.
It not only allows you time to heal and move on, it gives them
a chance to miss you. ~ Raylene Murray
Only memory lost can make you forget anything. Just ignore
the thought, do nothing, move on to the next thought. ~ Avril
Close your eyes, imagine that person facing you and that
string attached to both of you. Ask God to cut off the string.
If it cut, you will feel at peace and you will see that you have
not attach no more to that person, if it doesn’t, the work is
not over. Do it till you see that string cut. Surround yourself
in the white light and that person too. ~ Alain Gravel
Cut all contact. This speaks volumes and reinstates our
boundaries and personal values. ~ Marsha Sinclair
The best way for me is to actually look that person in the
eyes from time to time. For me getting over someone means
being able to eventually look them in the eyes and actually be
over that person. I have the best success when I deal with
emotional pain head on. The end result is a platonic
relationship with that person. The thing is the person you got
over could never understand how you have become so
emotionally unattached to them. ~ Patricia Forgenie

Sometimes it’s not the person we miss

It’s better to miss the feeling because you can find it with
someone else who will make you happy.
Seldom do we miss the person. The logical part of us can
remove the person, but the way we felt while we were with
them, is a memory of emotion and once they’re gone we can
warp that memory into perfection and never left it go.
~ Jason Krenzer
The feelings we had for them were our feelings, our heart, so
it can happen again. ~ Yvonne Kertsch
Focus and get your own source of energy. Find yours and be
your own master. Be independent in mind and soul. ~ Liam
Never forget to say I love you, you never know when you may
lose the chance to say it.

Erasing yourself from somebody’s life

Sometimes you can try an entire lifetime and still can’t do it
The most important thing is knowing and understanding
ourselves. What do we want in our life.
When you know what you want for yourself and you can. It’s
not simple but when we you are determined to do to let go the
cage then it’s the best decision you have ever did. ~ Pinky
You just stop seeing that person under the circumstances
that well, you don’t actually have to. You remember to
surround yourself with those who really and genuinely love
you. Go back to them. Must not forget that they are the ones
who will be there for you at the end of the day. ~ Tracy Ho
Before we decide on something we have to consider first who
will be affected and what will be the consequences. ~ Ma
Shee Tan
Anybody can walk out the door and well, no, not everyone can
do it. But yes, its easier then erasing that person from your
life because when you leave, you don’t usually think as you
just want to escape, be it an abuse situation between spouses,
drug or alcohol situation, etc. Its because you still are tied to
that person and probably still love him/her. You don’t want to
be without that person and until you walk out that door and
close that door behind you and don’t come back because it’s
the same thing over and over again, that person will still have
a hold over you till you yourself do something about it, get
help yourself first and then see what happens. Yes, insanity is
doing the same thing over again expecting different results
they say, and nothing changes till you change. ~ Lenore
It doesn’t matter what kind of relationship it is, whether it be
marriage, bf/gf, friend, or even family, you have to do what’s
best for you no matter how hard it is. What’s hurting you sure
isn’t helping you at all. You’re better off walking away.
~ Mary Inman

The Greatest Challenge in Life

It’s more important to be happy with what you can offer than
worrying about what people think. ~ Cheryl Will
The best day of your life is the day you were born. But the
second best day is the day you find out why. We hung in
there, because we were committed, and we believe in
integrity. If you don’t have that, you don’t really have
anything. It takes truth, acceptance, and letting the other
person be who God intended them to be. People change over
the years. Hopefully that makes it more interesting, and fun.
Who will I be tomorrow? I guess I should have been a
preacher or journalist or Speaker, because I talk too much. lol
~ Sharon Fawcett
Learning more about myself everyday. The things that don’t
serve me well I can slowly change and the things that I like I
can embrace. ~ Julann Walters
It is so hard to save your internal “real” essence and not to
betray it whatever happened and whatever other people think
and want. ~ Helen Tkachenko

Never stop making wishes

Stop wishing = stop dreaming = stop working = stop living.
Our life is based on wishes. ~ Yassine Hadouz
Did you ever wish for a doll at Christmas time? Did you ever
wish you could stay over at a friends house? Did you ever
wish a certain someone would ask you out? Ask any 5 or 6 yr.
old. Wishes can and do come true. ~ Gene Toyou
When there is wishes, there is hope, which is important to
keep us going. ~ Siew Liew
The problem with people is that they spend their entire lives
wishing for something instead of doing something about it.
You can keep wishing, but make sure to act upon your
wishes. ~ Katherine Bryce
When we pray, we talk with our Father. When we wish, we just
hope for the best and take our chances. Big difference.
Personally, prayer is one of the most important parts of my
entire life. Wishing is just for fun. Prayer is serious.

Your life is a result of the choices you make

Life is a “series” of choices. Having an opportunity to make a
good choice is always there. Don’t be so quick to assume that
“one” choice will directly lead to the final destination. Think
of it as a chain and a bad choice as a weak link. ~ Deb Fife
We can choose our thoughts, not allow anything/one to
victimize us, choose to continue moving forward with our
lives no matter what the challenge. Choose to never allow
anyone or any situation to rob us of our joy today. For today
is all any of us have. Do what we must, however long it takes,
but remember the choice is always our own to accept what is
and create something better as difficult as that may be.
~ Maryann Scofield
Your choices shape your chances. ~ Marti Chain
You are the only one who can change your life. ~ Tammy
What you are today is made of the choices you made
yesterday. ~ Serena Mu

The person who brings out the best in you

The one you love is the one who also hurt you the most.
Relationships need to be built on a solid foundation.
Take control and responsibility for yourself. Nobody can bring
out the worst or best in you but yourself. ~ Marie Stienessen
Only if you let it, we control how we react, I have had to learn
the tough way by loosing someone that I love with all my heart.
We have to pick and choose what is most important when we
fight the battles that we think are the one worth fighting when
in the end they are not worth loosing what you thought was
important. A foundation of true love has to be built with God,
being the the strongest corner of your foundation or your house
is no better than a house of sticks waiting to be set on fire.
Some of life’s lessons are learn by living them and hurting and
realizing what matters most in life. ~ Sharon Matthews
We choose to react as we do, for good or ill. Blaming other
people for our bad behavior is just making excuses for
ourselves, preventing growth towards personal freedom from
our less evolved aspects. ~ Cheryl Anderson
When there is real mirroring between the personalities, then
there’s also a mirror side of the hard, unbroken, negative side of
self that comes forth when two friends clash. ~ Berno Nilsson

Tears speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues

Tears are messengers of unspeakable hurt and sorrow.
It’s good to surrender to the tears, helps you regain your
strength, and start to move on.
Tears represent acknowledgement and an inner-cleansing.
There’s something cleansing in tears. Something purifying
and honesty in tears.
It’s some things that should never be unsaid and some things
in the past that hurts the present and the future.
Tears are an outlet. It is for me for pain, sorrow, sometimes
joy and many times I know it’s building up inside of me until I
finally can cry and there have been times when I needed to
cry and cleanse, yet they don’t come. ~ Betty Guest
If you don’t cry, you cannot release pent up emotion. Not the
sissy cry at the drop of a hat tears. But real heart felt tears
from deep within your soul, that comes from grief, sadness,
loss or tragedy. Tears are necessary to heal, to grieve, to help
you to move on. A friend never cried once over her husbands
death, cause she thought tears were stupid, she got sick,
broke out in an all over rash and had to go to the doctor.
Tears are necessary. ~ Michelle McClatchey
Tears can be our strength. Just as at times, vulnerability is a

If people want you in their life, they will stay

If you love them let them go, if they come back their yours,
hope you get what you wish for.
All you have to do is observe peoples actions and you will
know them and their character.
If you have to chase them to get them back, you fall under
their control.
Take care of your own garden and let the butterflies come
back to it.
People are not rational. To them, the question should be, “If
I’m important, why didn’t you chase me and keep me in your
life?” ~ Maruko Wu
Never chase anyone, if they want me they come and seek me.
I don’t hold on if you want to stay, then stay. I let go if there’s
too much drama and if you feel you are being suffocated then
I release you, if you’re meant for me then you will come back.
~ Norma Powell
If they make no effort to be a part of your life I don’t see why
you must repeatedly put yourself through negative feelings of
being unwanted. There are 7 billion people on this planet. If
someone doesn’t appreciate you, move on and find people
who do. ~ Rukmi Ray
I never chase after anyone, you just look needy and
desperate. If they can’t see how lucky they are to be a part of
your life, then it’s their loss. Wish they would stay away
though and not come crawling back when they realise they
messed up. ~ Helen Lewis
I like to wait a few days and re-contact a person to see how
they feel after their anger has settled. Give them the benefit
of the doubt. If they haven’t changed their mind, I’m not
pursuing it. I just don’t have the energy. So, if you don’t hear
from me, remember something: that is what “you” wanted.
There is a need to show if anyone matters, and be sincere
about that, maybe even lie a little, but at the end you will live
in your own cage of truth and lies and you will be happy as
you deserve. ~ Dojchin Stanojkov

The best conversations

If you speak from the heart and with thoughtful compassion
you shouldn’t have to censor your voice but that’s not always
the case. Best conversation are fluid. ~ Jessica Ord
Why people feel they have to be someone else. Being yourself
is the best thing. Lies will be discovered & all that does is
give you extra stress. ~ Tony Horta
Love being with someone I can trust to be myself. ~ Julie
Those relationships do exist. Some times life just cuts them
short. So live each day like its your last, never have any
regrets, and know you are loved. ~ Brenda Ramey
I love being me, and it’s a pleasure when a person can accept
me & respect me for the person that God created me to be.
~ Sharon Polk
I usually have these conversations with myself. ~ Anne
God is the best to talk to. He loves you no matter what. He
doesn’t judge you. He is our best friend. He loves us
unconditionaly. ~ Vicky Kelly

Sometimes a Good Heart doesn’t see the bad

Some people don’t care how much they hurt other people.
That’s the unfairness of life. You concentrate so much on the
good that you don’t see the bad coming. ~ Anne Mwangi
I once asked the guru, Amrit Desai, why does my heart keep
getting broken?” He said, “Our hearts are made to be broken.
We learn compassion that way”. ~ Wendy Bennett
Sometimes it takes a good heart to identify with the bad so
that we can move on and say we don’t desire to have a cold
heart and hurt people so bad that nothing can take back the
words of hatred. Just forgive and stay away from the fire.
~ Deborah Whitman
Sometimes God puts you in their path, for you may be the
only God that they may ever see to expose apostasy, deceit,
and unrighteousness by bringing them the light, the truth,
and guiding them to a better life. God gives us all purposes, it
is up to us to accept and be used by God. He never said the
cause of Jesus Christ would be easy, but that it would be
worth it. Our Savior Jesus Christ never shirked his
responsibility of saving a sinful world even though he was
rebuked, reviled, persecuted, betrayed, and crucified, he found
forgiveness in His heart even to the point of death on the
cross. ~ Myrna Johnson
The challenge will now be to go into a friendship cautiously
and with eyes wide open. Looking for signs out of alignment
with what God wants for my life. ~ Gwyn Betz
It is what a good heart does and then forgives. It is nothing
wrong with us. Must be something wrong with them. They are
the ones really blind.
We are always surrounded by a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
Sometimes we are completely taken by surprise. It is wise to
always take the high road and move on, forgive yourself and
the ones who hurt you. Your life will be better for doing this.
~ Joni Chintala
I’d rather have a kind,warm and open heart than a cold and
closed one. The risk is invaluable. The point is to forgive
ourselves every time we make such a mistake for we are only
humans. ~ Anita Haywood

Thursday, 17 April 2014

Tales of dead sea

Here is an interesting story on two seas with some interesting lessons. I had heard of Dead Sea in school. No one ever told me this side of the story. You may find it interesting. I look forward to your perspective.

A tale of Two Seas !As you probably recall, the Dead Sea is really a Lake, not a sea.It’s so high in salt content that the human body can float easily. You can almost lie down and read a book! The salt in the Dead Sea is as high as 35% - almost 10 times the normal ocean water. And all that saltiness has meant that there is no life at all in the Dead Sea. No fish. No vegetation. No sea animals. Nothing lives in the Dead Sea.
And hence the name: Dead Sea.
While the Dead Sea has remained etched in my memory, I don't seem to recall learning about the Sea of Galilee in my school Geography lesson. So when I heard about the Sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea and the tale of the two seas - I was intrigued.
Turns out that the Sea of Galilee is just north of the Dead Sea. Both the Sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea receive their water from river Jordan. And yet, they are very, very different.
Unlike the Dead Sea, the Sea of Galilee is pretty, resplendent with rich, colorful marine life. There are lots of plants. And lots of fish too. In fact, the Sea of Galilee is home to over twenty different types of fishes.
Same region, same source of water, and yet while one sea is full of life, the other is dead. How come?
Here’s apparently why. The River Jordan flows into the Sea of Galilee and then flows out. The water simply passes through the Sea of Galilee in and then out - and that keeps the sea healthy and vibrant, teeming with marine life.
But the Dead Sea is so far below the mean sea level, that it has no outlet. The water flows in from the river Jordan, but does not flow out. There are no outlet streams. It is estimated that over 7 million tons of water evaporate from the Dead Sea every day. Leaving it salty. Too full of minerals. And unfit for any marine life.
The Dead Sea takes water from the River Jordan, and holds it. It does not give.
Result? No life at all.
Think about it.
Life is not just about getting. Its about giving. We all need to be a bit like the Sea of Galilee.
We are fortunate to get wealth, knowledge, love and respect. But if we don't learn to give, we could all end up like the Dead Sea. The love and the respect, the wealth and the knowledge could all evaporate. Like the water in the Dead Sea.
If we get the Dead Sea mentality of merely taking in more water, more money, more everything the results can be disastrous.
Good idea to make sure that in the sea of your own life, you have outlets. Many outlets. For love and wealth - and everything else that you get in your life. Make sure you don't just get, you give too.
Open the taps. And you'll open the floodgates to happiness. Make that a habit. To share. To give.
And experience life. Experience the magic!